The Life of a 20 Year Old

I turned 20 this Monday. I really don't feel my age. I think if someone gave me the chance to go back in time and have a do-over on life, I would take it immediately. I actually had a great day, and I'm extremely grateful to have people in my life that care about me, and in turn I can care about. I don't know how I would get by without every single one of them, whether they are several timezones away or share a wall with me, whether they have been here since high school or I just met. Every single one of them mean the world to me and remind me that there is more to life than just achieving things to put on a resume. Human connection is the most important thing in the world.

I'm pet sitting for some of my friends this week, she's an adorable cat named Green Bean! I finally figured out the bus system, so I don't have to walk there or order an uber. I'm trying to go there more often, and I have to fix my sleep schedule, so I can make it there in the mornings as well as the evenings. It's going to be tough on Sunday when there's no bus, but I can probably walk there during the day and spend an entire day there. Make a fun day out of it, bring my switch and some snacks (and my homework too!). Bad thing is that I have to miss a lot of hours of Launch if I want to make it to the bus on time. I'm not too worried about that though.

In Advanced Programming we have a project that's due April 1st. It's not a difficult project at all, and the people I'm in a group with are extremely smart so the only thing we have to fix is matrix multiplication. This is probably for the best since next week I am going to have to pick up the slack I had this week. I slow rolled my way back into the swing of things, and have been neglecting my sleep again (but since I got used to getting 8 hours a night I have been sleeping during the day and skipping classes). It's okay, I have time and I'm not too worried about losing my grip on things. I have a lot to catch up on diffeqs though...

All in all, things aren't that bad. The sun is coming out earlier, and I'm realizing that maybe seasonal depression does have something on me and maybe not everything is life or death, that I can take things slow.